Mystic Mondays – Gospel of Thomas

Mystic Mondays Series meets virtually every Monday at 12:00pm. You can join this meeting with the Zoom link information below.

Reading the Gospel of Thomas – Mondays at noon .   We will discover another side of the early Christian movement by reading through the Gospel of Thomas, part of a collection of writings found in Northern Egypt in the mid twentieth century. While not in the biblical canon, Thomas and other first and second century writings have shown us the breadth of the early Christian movement and have given us insights into the diversity of our faith tradition.  We will read the entire Gospel of Thomas, 114 sayings, and discover its meaning for us in the 21st Century.  There are a variety of Thomas texts – here is one online version, which is similar to the Meyer translation of Thomas.

To join this meeting type in the following Zoom URL (first line below) into your browser window and click Return/Enter. When prompted enter the password and the meeting ID (ID may not be required):


Meeting ID: 823 1891 0212 Passcode: 181925

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If you think you’d like to participate regularly in this series you can email Pastor Epperly at and request a weekly email link.