South Congregational Church welcomes you! We are a growing congregation with a deep history of offering spiritual fulfillment to all who walk through our doors. We seek to be a village church with a global perspective. Whether you are a year-round resident on Cape Cod, a seasonal homeowner, or a weekend visitor we encourage you to come to our church. Our worship is lively, theologically insightful, and spiritually vital. Our children and youth programs are joyful and affirming. Our adult faith formation programs join body, mind, and spirit. And our outreach begins in our neighborhood and reaches out across the globe. We affirm all of God”s children and every kind of family. No matter who you are, or where you are on life’s journey, you are welcome here at South Congregational Church, a congregation of the United Church of Christ.
If you have any questions before your visit feel free to reach out to Reverend Dr. Bruce Epperly at or 508-775-8332 or, if you should decide to attend our Sunday worship service, speak to one of our many friendly congregants.
Thank you for visiting our website and we look forward to seeing you!