Sermons from May 2023

Keeping Commandments

John 14:15-21 May 14, 2023Dr. John A. Terry, Interim Pastor I am going to speak at some length about the scripture beforereading it. Last I preached and again today we have the same chapterfrom the Gospel of John and next Sunday we will press further into theGospel of John. Here is the reason. There is…

Holding Doubts While Keeping Faith

Dr. John A. Terry, Interim Pastor May 1, 2022 John 21:19-31 Let me mention several things about this passage before it is read: John 21:1-19 1 After these things Jesus showed himself again to the disciples bythe Sea of Tiberias; and he showed himself in this way. 2 Gatheredthere together were Simon Peter, Thomas called…