Join us at the Poetry Awards Ceremony
Saturday, May 2, 2015
This is the twentieth year of the Voices of Peace Poetry Contest sponsored by the Cape Cod Veterans for Peace. We salute all writers who submitted poems. The contest is open to all Cape and Islands writers grades kindergarten through twelfth and adults.
The Poetry Contest Awards Program will be held Saturday, May 2, 2015 at the South Congregational Church, Centerville, MA from 10 am to noon. The award winning poets from kindergarten to adults read their poems.
Through this contest, VFP links the art of poetry to problems of world peace, security, and human well-being. Particularly for our younger poets, poetry is one way of seeing things from a different perspective and provides them with the opportunity to honestly express their feelings toward building better relationships, for a better world.
This year we celebrate 65 winners at our Awards Ceremony. There were a total of 714 submissions representing 22 schools with a total of 53 teachers facilitating student submissions.