If you were not there, I began worship last Sunday with these words: “Congratulations on calling Rev. Sally Norris as your new settled pastor. I know it took longer than you thought it should, but there is truth in the saying that good things come to those who wait.
“There is a story told about the time James Garfield was President of Hiram College in Ohio. A father came and asked him if you really needed to spend 4 years of study before getting a degree. Isn’t there a way of speeding this up? Garfield replied that that depends on what kind of a person you want your son to be. Are you trying to grow an oak tree or summer squash?

Dear Beloved South Congregational Church,
My soul was filled with joy when Bill Coughlin phoned to invite me to serve as your next minister. In getting to know the Search Committee, I discovered deep faith, curious minds, uplifting laughter, and an enthusiastic yearning for the church to shine as a beacon of light and love in your lives as well as beyond the walls of the building to the wider Cape community. How marvelous to be, in the words of your church profile, a “village church with a global perspective!” And so, I am humbled and honored to receive this “call” to join in ministry with you.
I’m a Cape Cod wash-ashore, having grown-up and ministered in New York City. Yes, a native New Yorker and avid Yankee fan. (Wait ‘till we do Baseball Sunday!). I attended the United Nations International School, a rich multi-cultural learning experience for which I am immensely grateful, and then went on to Barnard College and Columbia University for both my undergraduate and graduate degrees. From there I received my M.Div. from Union Theological Seminary, and subsequently served for many years at The Riverside Church. Additionally, I did doctoral work at Oxford University in England, and have served churches on Cape Cod, in Connecticut, and in Maine.