People’s Climate March

photo credit: NASA – Visible Earth Catalog: The Blue Marble

Dear Friends,

The Gospel calls us to be partners in healing the world. Rather than domination, we are called to be gardeners and healers of our environment. Our faith challenges us to care for the Earth, to be concerned about climate changes, and preserve the Earth for our children and grandchildren as well as non-human species. In this spirit, a group of Cape Codders will take a bus caravan to New York City on Sept. 21 to participate in the People’s Climate March. Jim Antal, President and Minister of the Massachusetts Conference of the United Church of Christ, has written the following statements related to the March and climate change:

The March is part of several days of activity planned around the United Nations Climate Summit 2014 on Sept. 23 at which world leaders are being asked to support agreements to reduce emissions that cause climate change. More than 750 organizations from across the country are taking part in the march, including leaders of the United Church of Christ.

Here is the information regarding transportation to NYC: Buses will make the round trip Sept. 21 with stops in Harwich, Barnstable and Sagamore. Seats cost $40 with financial aid available.

For round-trip tickets ($40) contact Diane Turco 508 432-1744 / or mail checks (made out to Cape Downwinders) with your contact info to Cape Downwinders, PO Box 303, South Harwich 02661

Schedule for Sunday, September 21st
LEAVE Harwich (Rt 124 commuter lot at exit 10): 4:30 AM
Barnstable (exit 6 commuter lot bus stop): 4:55 AM
Sagamore (commuter lot bus stop over the bridge): 5:15 AM
Arrive NYC: 10:30 AM – March begins at 11:30 AM, Columbus Circle
Leave NYC: 6:00 PM
Arrive Sagamore: 11:00 PM
Barnstable: 11:20 PM
Harwich: 11:50 PM

Blessings on you and this good Earth,
Jane de Groot, Moderator
Bruce Epperly, Pastor


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