Developing and Equipping Relational Ministries

Join us for an interactive (and physically distanced) workshop on how to engage with our neighbors. We will practice active listening and learn how to be a spiritual caregiver. Get practical tips for starting conversations and sharing your lunch. Liz will share stories, biblical texts, and answer your questions about how best to be helpful with people in need.

If you are interested in further developing your skills, if you are a little nervous about face to face outreach ministry and would like to feel better equipped, if you just love to be in community with people who are generous, compassionate and loving…this is the place to be!

Don’t hesitate to contact me with any questions and please make reservations for Zoom or in person attendance through Alison at South Congregational Church 508-775-8332. 

Developing and Equipping Relational Ministries

With Reverend Dr. Liz Magill

Author of “Five Loaves, Two Fish, Twelve Volunteers”

Saturday October 31 from 9-12

South Congregational Church Centerville

In person (must reserve spot) or on Zoom

Call to enroll 508-775-8332

For more information contact Rev. Pam Wannie                  

 at 508-612-6375 or

This workshop made possible by a Worshipping Communities Grant by Calvin Institute